Frequently Asked Questions
Application Related Questions
- Will the graduate coordinator review my materials before applying for admission?
No, the graduate coordinator or any other faculty/staff will not review your materials before you apply. You must submit your materials through the official admissions process at Illinois State University Admissions. See link below.
- Do you provide application fee waivers for international students?
No, the university does not provide application waivers for international graduate students.
- Do you require the GRE?
A student applying to this program must submit official GRE scores if GPA is below a 3.25 cumulative (use institutional code 1319).
More information about application requirements are at the links below:
Project Management:
Quality Management and Analytics:
STEM Education and Leadership:
- Do you accept the GMAT for admission decisions?
No, the department does not accept the GMAT for admission considerations.
- Am I required to take an English proficiency test? If so, what are the requirements?
Information about English proficiency examinations is at the website below.
- Are graduate programs in the Department of Technology STEM Designated?
Yes, all the programs are consisdered "STEM" programs.
- Are there required undergraduate programs for admissions to the Department of Technology graduate programs?
No, you are eligible to apply for the graduate program with any undergraduate background. However, typically studnets in the STEM Education and Leadership program are either practicing classroom teachers or interested in pursuing a teaching career.
Funding Related Questions
- Do you have assistantship opportunities available?
The Department of Technology does have assistantship opportunities available, however they are limited and highly competitive. Assistantships are not generally provided for students in their first semester.
- When and where are assistantship opportunities posted for applicants to apply?
Assistantship applications for the Department of Technology are posted on the ISU jobs page at the link below.
Typically, positions are posted by March 30th for the upcoming fall semester and October 30th for the spring semester. Assistantship positions are filled on a semester-by-semester basis.
- What are mandatory fees? Why do I need to pay mandatory fees?
Mandatory fees are a portion of the cost of attendance to cover administrative costs of having services available to all students, whether or not they opt to take advantage of the services. View the Explanation of Mandatory Fees page for information regarding the specific fees included.
- Does the Department of Technology provide tuition waivers for students?
Full tuition waivers are only provided for students with Graduate Assistantships. Scholarship information is at the website below.
Curriculum Related Questions
- What courses are required for my major area?
All Department of Technology graduate programs require the following courses:
- TEC 445: Statistics in Applied Science and Technology - fall, spring
- TEC 497: Introduction to Research Methodology - fall, spring
Required courses via specific program:
Project Managment:
- TEC 430: Project Leadership - fall, spring
- TEC 431: Project Initation and Planning - fall, spring
- TEC 432: Project implementation and Control - fall, spring
Quality Management and Analytics:
- TEC 437: Quality and Organizational Excellence (3 credit hours) - fall, spring
- TEC 438: Project Risk and Decision Analysis (3 credit hours) - fall, spring
- TEC 439: Introduction to Six Sigma Methodologies (3 credit hours) - fall, spring
STEM Education and Leadership:
- TEC 310: STEM Education Foundations - summer
- TEC 423: STEM Education Learning Theories - summer
- TEC 424: STEM Education Integrated Curriculum - fall
- TEC 425: STEM Education Leadership - spring
- What are other requirements for my degree?
Thesis Option
A total of 30 hours is required to complete the degree, including a thesis (for 6 credit hours). After completing the required 5 courses, a student choosing the thesis option will need to complete an additional 9 hours of elective courses.
Culminating Comprehensive Exam, Project(s), Paper(s)
A total of 33 hours is required to complete the culminating comprehensive option. After completing the required courses, a student choosing this option will need to complete an additional 9 hours of electives, and 9 hours in a secondary area of concentration of conceptually connected coursework. The culminating experience can also be completed through independent study, internship, or other special projects.
- What are my elective options?
Electives should be chosen in consultation with your academic advisor. Many options exist inside and outside the department. Typically, students in project management select the Quality Management and Analytics courses and can also obtain the certificate. Quality Management and Analytics students typically select the Project Management sequence and can also obtain the certificate.
Elective options exist in other departments based upon individual gradute student's interests. Some certificate/course options in other departments include,
School of Information Technology
Data Science, Internet Applications Development, Information Assurance and Security, Network and Telecommunications Management, & Systems Analyst. More information is at the link below under the "Graduate Certificates" heading:
College of Business
Audit and Control Specialist, Business Analytics, Data Scientist, Forensic Accountant, & Organizational Leadership. More information is at the link below under the "Graduate Certificates" heading: