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Dr. Chris Merrill

TUR Turner Hall 168A
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Merrill has over 31 years of teaching experience at the high school (Gardner-South Wilmington and DeKalb High Schools) and university (The Ohio State University and Illinois State University) levels. Before his career as a high school teacher, Merrill was a cabinetmaker in the Peoria, Illinois area.

Current Courses

400.003Independent Study

404.001Special Projects In Industrial Technology

423.001Stem Education Learning Theories

307.001Competencies For Teaching

497.001Introduction To Research Methodology

425.001STEM Education Leadership

Teaching Interests & Areas

Technology & Engineering Education, STEM education, Career and Technical Education, and standards-based teaching and learning are Merrill's primary teaching and research interests.

Research Interests & Areas

Technology & Engineering Education, STEM education, Career and Technical Education, and standards-based teaching and learning are Merrill's primary teaching and research interests.

Ph D Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

MS Curriculum and Instruction with Supervision

Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, Illinois

BS Industrial Technology Education

Illinois State University


Illinois Central College

Other Cabinetmaking

Olney Central College

Technical Foundation of America Fellow

Technical Foundation of America

2021 Distinguished Alumni, Department of Technology

Illinois State University

Presidential Citation

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

National Teacher Educator of the Year

Association for Career and Technical Education

Research Award

Illinois State University Department of Technology

ACTE Region III Teacher Educator of the Year

Association for Career and Technical Education

IACTE Teacher Educator of the Year

Illinois Career and Technical Education

Service Award

Department of Technology

Award of Distinction

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

Technology and Engineering Educator of the Year

Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education

Book, Chapter

Merrill, C. Technology education perspectives of STEM education. M.K. Daugherty and V. Carter (EDs), The Mississippi Valley Conference in the 21st Century (2019): 277-299.
Merrill, C. Authentic Research for Technology Education. Marc de Vries (EDs), Handbook of Technology Education. Springer International Publishing (2018): 101-108.
Merrill, C. A Nontraditional High School Technology and Engineering Education Setting. Marie Hoepfl (EDs), Yes, Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education 61st Yearbook. Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education 61 (2017): 184-193.

Conference Proceeding

Merrill, C. Open Source Maker Movement: Opportunities for the Engineering Design Classroom. American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Graphics Division 69.1 (2014): 12-18.
Devine, K., Merrill, C., & Brown, J. Using Solid Modeling in High School Mathematics Instruction: A Professional Development Partnership. Proceedings from the 65th Annual American Society for Engineering 6 Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Meeting (2010)

Journal Article

Hughes, A. J., & Merrill, C. (2021). Implementing the method of sections to design, build, and test trusses: Combining theory with practice. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80(5), 15-20.
Hughes, A. J., & Merrill, C. (2021). Transforming technology and engineering educator inputs into desired student outputs through mechanism analysis and synthesis. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 81(2), 21-25.
Hughes, A. J., & Merrill, C. (2020). Analyzing concrete beam designs: Verifying predictions in the T&EE classrooms. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 79(5), 14-19.
Hughes, A. J., & Merrill, C. (2020). Method of joints: Theory and practice of designing, building, and testing trusses. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80(2), 28-35.
Hughes, A. J., & Merrill, C. (2020). Solving concurrent and nonconcurrent coplanar force systems: Balancing theory and practice in the T&EE classroom. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80(1), 16-22.


Arnett, S., Brown, J., & Merrill, C. Poverty in education: Use of differentiated learning. OTT Professionalism to Practice Newsletter (2016)


Merrill, C. On Excellence: Craftsmanship and Leadership. Kathleen De La Paz (EDs). Technology and Engineering Teacher 73.3 (2013): 33-35.


Numeracy and Literacy for Career and Technical Education. Illinois Business Educators Association. Illinois Business Educators Association. (2024)
Preparing for Retirement in Career and Technical Education. Illinois Business Educators Association. Illinois Business Educators Association. (2024)
Merrill, C. (2023). Perceptions of High School Students Pursuing STEM: Initial Focus Group Findings from Illinois High Schools. Presentation at the 85th Annual International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Merrill, C. (2023). Engineering Design and Creativity. Presentation at the Annual Illinois Technology Education Conference, Normal, IL.
Merrill, C. (2022). Engineering Design and Creativity. Presentation at the Annual Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, Normal, IL.
Merrill, C. (2022). Using the New Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy. Presentation at the Annual Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, Normal, IL.
Whitman, D., Merrill, C., & Hendricksen, C. (2022). Sea, Land, and Air: A Deep Dive into SeaPerch. Presentation at the Annual Illinois Technology Education Conference, Normal, IL.
Designing, Building, and Testing Trusses with Accurate Predictions. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. (2021)
Merrill, C., & Christensen, B. (2021). Professional Teaching and Learning in TEE: The 5E Process. Presentation at the 83rd Annual International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Christensen, B., McQuality, R., Merrill, C., Cotie, G., Westergreen, E., & Suter, A. (2021). The 5E Structure and How to Use It, Even Online. Presentation at the Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education Conference.

Grants & Contracts

Illinois Technology Student Association. Illinois State Board of Education. State. (2023)
Illinois Technology Student Association. Illinois State Board of Education. State. (2022)
Illinois Technology Student Association. Illinois State Board of Education. State. (2021)
Illinois Career and Technical Education Innovative Curriculum Resources Project. Carl D. Perkins and the Illinois State Board of Education. Federal. (2020)
Illinois Career and Technical Education Innovative Curriculum Resources Project. Carl D. Perkins, Illinois State Board of Education. Federal. (2020)