Dr. Joshua Brown
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
400.002Independent Study
404.003Special Projects In Industrial Technology
310.001Stem Education Foundations
499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.003Independent Study
116.001Intro Technical Drawing & Constraint-Based Solid Modeling
116.002Intro Technical Drawing & Constraint-Based Solid Modeling
304.001Medical, Agricultural & Bio-Related Technologies
404.002Special Projects In Industrial Technology
291.002Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Industrial Technology
Teaching Interests & Areas
Technology and Engineering Education, CTE, Curriculum Development, STEM Education
Research Interests & Areas
STEM Education, Engineering Design in K-12 settings, Curriculum Development, Special Populations in Technical Education, Qualitative Research.
Ph D Curriculum Studies
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Other Educational Psychology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
BS Technology Education
Ball State University
Muncie, IN
Million Dollar Club
Illinois State University
TEC Service Award
Department of Technology
Big Thinker Award
Technology Education Association of Illinois
CAST Oustanding Researcher
University Research Initiative Award
Illinois State University
Conference Proceeding
Branoff, T., Mohammed , J., & Brown, J. Student Retention in an Engineering Technology Program: The Role of Spatial Visualization Ability. ASEE (2022)
Branoff, T., Brown, J., & Devine, K. 3D spatial visualization instruction within an introductory constraint-based CAD modeling course. 70th Annual Midyear Conference Proceedings of the EDGD of ASEE (2016)
Branoff, T., Devine, K., & Brown, J. Evaluating a Rubric for Assessing Constraint-Based Solid Models. 2016 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. American Society for Engineering Education (2016): 1-14.
Devine, K., Merrill, C., & Brown, J. Using Solid Modeling in High School Mathematics Instruction: A Professional Development Partnership. Proceedings from the 65th Annual American Society for Engineering 6 Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Meeting (2010)
Journal Article
T. Branoff, J. Mohammed, J.Brown, "The Role of Spatial Visualization Ability in Course Outcomes and Student Retention within Technology Programs",The Journal for Geometry and Graphics | v 26, n1, page 159-170, August 2022
Dunfee, A., & Brown, J. A collaborative model for University and K-12 partnerships: Using distance learning technology for pre-service teacher clinical experiences. The Technology and Engineering Teacher 81.7 (2022): 12-16.
Brown, J. Status of elementary teacher development: Preparing elementary teachers to deliver technology and engineering experiences. Journal of Technology Education 28.2 (2017): 2-18.
Rose, A., Shumway, S., Carter, V., & Brown, J. Identifying Characteristics of Technology and Engineering Teachers Striving for Excellence Using a Modified Delphi. Journal of Technology Education 26.2 (2015): 2-21.
Wilson, D., Brown, J., & Burke, A. Let's Scrum! Learning digital media collaboratively. The Technology and Engineering Teacher 73.3 (2013): 16-22.
Arnett, S., Brown, J., & Merrill, C. Poverty in education: Use of differentiated learning. OTT Professionalism to Practice Newsletter (2016)
Textbook, New
Brown, R., Brown, J., & Berkeihiser, M. Engineering Fundamentals. Goodheart-Wilcox (2014)
Textbook, Revised
Brown, R., Brown, J., & Berkeihiser, M. Engineering Fundamentals, Edition 3. Goodheart-Willcox (2023)
Ryan, B., Brown, J., & Berkeihiser, M. Engineering Fundamentals. Goodheart Wilcox (2017)
Navigating the ITEEA Conference and New Member Support. International Technology Engineering Education Association Conference. ITEEA. (2024)
Surveying the landscape of engineering and technology teacher preparation. 1909 Conference Advancing Thought, Research, and Practice in Technology and Engineering Education.. (2024)
Teaching Engineering Design and Agriculture Using Hydroponics and Vertical Farms. CareerTech VISION 2024. ACTE. (2024)
Navigating the ITEEA conference. International Technology Engineering Education Association Conference. ITEEA. (2023)
Teaching Engineering Design and STEM Using Hydroponics. International Technology and Engineering Education Association. International Technology and Engineering Education Association. (2022)
The Status of Technology & Engineering Education. Graphic Communications Education Association- Region One. Graphic Communications Education Association. (2022)
Navigating the ITEEA conference. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. ITEEA. (2021)
Agriculture and Biotechnology: Teaching engineering design, systems, and technology through soilless growing techniques. ITEC. Technology Educators of Illinois. (2020)
Navigating the ITEEA Conference & New Member Support. International Technology & Engineering Education Association International Conference. ITEEA. (2020)
Engaged Online Student Learning Modules for Engineering Design Graphics. Association for Career and Technical Education's CareerTech Vission 2019. Association for Career and Technical Education. (2019)
Grants & Contracts
Active Learning Modules to Support Problem-Based Learning: Effects on Engineering Retention and Academic Outcomes of At-Risk Students. National Science Foundation/Virginia Polytechnic University. Federal. (2017)
Special Populations and Career & Technical Education: The Illinois Approach to Career Pathways. Federal: Carl D. Perkins. State. (2016)
Special Populations and Career & Technical Education: The Illinois Approach to Career Pathways. Federal: Carl D. Perkins. State. (2015)
Special Populations and Career & Technical Education: The Illinois Approach to Career Pathways. Federal: Carl D. Perkins. State. (2013)
STEM Education and Leadership Program. Illinios State Board of Education, Illinois Mathematics and Science Partnerships Grant. State.